Friday, January 9, 2009

An Untold Journey..

Here is a true story of a boy who joined on 22nd september this year (2008) to Wipro Wase batch..
“He is ordinary boy..
Always tried to find the happieness in others face..
His mother was the only blood relation survived for him as a link between him and this outer world..
She holded her life just to see him to rise at the top..
She was professional..
She thought him the meaning of life..
She thought him how to live an unorthodox life in orthodox way..
21 years..
21 years..
He lived for her..
She lived for him…
They shared the joys together..
They hided each others sorrows from each other still being aware of each others sorrows..
After 20 years of struggle she succeeded in placing her son in a good position..
He joined WIPRO-WASE.
Both were happy..
It was the third day of his official training..
The boy got a call at
“Your Mother is Serious.. Start Immediately”
He just saw the message..
Holded his breath till the evening..
Because no buses were available at that time to his Native..
He was smiling infront of his mates as if nothing was happenned..
He silently went to a corner and called the concerned doctor..
They told “She is suffering from terrible fever. Every organ is dying. We are unable to diognise. The rate is too rapid..”
He understood..
“She is Sinking”..
He hided the tear from the entire world..
As soon as he completed his training he started to run in the streets of Bangalore to Majestic to get the bus..
2 days..
2 days he and his mother struggled..
Then she got permanent relief..
The day he started from bangalore was “Friday”..
Saturday was ”weakend leave”..
Doctor came to him on Saturday morning at 8.15 and said she is no more..
No relative was there with him to hold him..
There was no tear in his eyes either..
He just opened the letter written by his mother two days ago of which I remember only
two lines..
“Don’t be emotional. Be professional. I know that you are strong and you should be. The only thing which remains with you is god. believe him…and
Donate my body to Hospital..”
He just stood firmly on the ground..
He did exactly what she wanted him to do..
He did one more thing..
Donated himself to hospital..
He didn’t cried..
He holded his breath…
He worked till 2.0 clock preparing for his assesments..
And the day came..
4th November 2008..
That day he had his assessment..
The great coincidence is that date coincided with the date of his mothers demisal..
It was exactly one month after he lost each and everything and walked to bangalore alone locking his home and property..
For a second his hands trumbled..
But he was strong..
The education which he got from his mother was strong..
He wrote the exam..
And cleared it..
It was hard to tell the feeling in his face..
That day he came out of the E.C 2..
Just went and sat in the WIPRO park seeing the greenery..
Then went to pond to watch the aquatic beauty..
He took a deap breath..
Two drops of tears just came out from the corner of his eyes..
It just created a tiny ripples on the water..
Nobody observed it..
The only one who observed it till those waves dye was him..
He started to move from there..
Just for a minute he watched the sky..
The he found her…
His mother smiling..
Smiling with satisfaction..
Smiling With Pride..
He just had a small smile in his face after so many days..
And He started to walk..
To A world of Professionalls..
To be “The One” among the race..
He walked..
Without anyone..
For Everyone..
He Started to walk..
Now you ask me How I know this boy?
It is simple..
I see him everyday in the mirror of my dressing room when I stand infront of it..

Best Professional in the World For Me..

Ajim Premji..

Narayan Moorthy..
May be.. I don’t know them personally.. I just Heard about them..
For me it is One and Only..
It is My Mother..
Do you know why?
My Mother had one project in her hand..
That’s me 21 years ago..
She had no financial support..
She had no Moral support..
She had No educational Support..
The Only dream she had was to see me in the stable position in society..
That was her target..
That was her goal..
She never expected any thing from me..
She dedicated her life to me..
She did whatever required for the “project”..
She never showed me the burns of poverty..
Burns of agony..
Burns of Hatered..
Burns caused by the people whom she believed the most..
She never gave up..
Her health was deterioting day by day..
But Something Unexplainable was Making her to live for me..
One day..
I got selected for WASE..
That day I saw her sleeping peacefully after 21 years..
From First Stiphend I gave Her One Sarry..
The Unexplainable feelings Ran through her..
She Stared at me..
And gave a smile..
Next month She died..
Because She Completed Her Project..
Now She was happy..
Still doctors are Not Sure why she died..
They were only able to say “Every Organ Is Weaking Rapidly, We don’t Know what to do. But We are trieing our level best.”..
I didn’t Spoke anything..
I just went to her..
Opened Her eyes..
I tried to peep deep in to it to find the feelings..
There was immense satisfaction..
It was Immense..
As deep as the Ocean..
She wrote a last letter to me as if she is writing the project futute..
She didn’t wrote a single word out of emotion..
She was in her death bed..
She wrote “What Should I do What I shouldn’t”..
That’s it..
A short but Clear “Project Report..!!?”..
You might be amazed or confused by thinking the way I have taken my mother as Professional..
But If..
“Accepting Whatever Comes To you as Task”..
“Doing That Task With Perfection Facing all the troubles under the Sun And Shadows”..
“Doing All these with Lots of Love.. Not even Thinking of leaving it.. ”
“After doing the task Completely leaving that task for the Humanity(In corporate we call it as User) without expecting anything form it, Neither thinking the fact that other people will be using your efforts of Years and Months”..
It is the Requisites of best Professional..
She Is and Will be Always the Best Professional for me Till the end Of my Life..
And I will Be proud to follow the Path Shown by her..
Which She left for me without any words...

Maths is Money!!??

Isn’t it?
Why I equate Maths To Money?
It is Because once while explaining why to learn maths to my students a strange sequel of logics strucked to me, which drived me to dig more on that..
1) Maths also Starts with “M” and Money also starts with “M”.!!??
Looks Silly Isn’t it? Wait.. Wait..
2) Maths also has got 5 letters (eventhough Full name is Mathematics) and Money also has got 5 letters!!??
Still Silly.. But Not For the Glowing eyes of the High School Student Who first time realised it…
3) (If you think deeply) Everybody want’s to earn More and More Money, But most of the people don’t think why!!!?? Similiarly Our School syllabus books pour lots of knowledge about the mathematics to young brains.
We should learn…
But why should we learn all those stuff which we are not using in present day remains as mystery or the Question which has been suppressed for ages by Parents who don’t know the answer or the teachers who don’t know the answer… (I know, I Know it is a Long Sentence. But Read it with little patience.. Because it is Very Important).
So As Human Want’s to earn Money Mechanically with Only Hunger Towards it..
A Maths student must learn Mathematics With Only Hunger Towards It..
Now the Problem is..
Allminds can’t do it.. It thinks it as irrelevant to study irrelevent things for the present and they give up studying Maths.. As some Humans think that One must have the Money sufficient for the daily need only..
Now How to Solve this problem?????
Once Again Maths to Money Logic comes handy to handle the situation..
4) Imagine you have the Money which is sufficient for you today Only. What do you mean by Sufficient?? It means You assume and estimate That “X” amount of money is enough for “today”…
But Real life Situations Are Unpredictable..
Anytime Any requirement Could Come to you “Suddenly”.. “Unexpectedely”..
Then it will be hard for you to go that time searching for Money to Satisfy the Needs..
It is Difficult..
Time Consuming..
and Foolishness also..
What is the Solution for it?
It is Very Simple.. Earn and Keep More and More Money with you..
Still You should be in Control of your Thirst.. You must Know How Much to earn?
You Got this Logic Isn’t it??
Now The Same logic is with Maths..
You will never know “When you require the perticular knowledge of Mathematics to Understand Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology or any other”..
If you don’t have the knowledge at that time you will left with the choice of going and learning then..
But the problem with this concept is..
1)It is time Cosuming..
2)It is difficult
3)And it Logically Foolishness also..
So It is Better to learn the Maths and Store it as Money In your Mind..
Yes Indeed there Exists Lots of differences Between Maths and Money..
But “This logic is More Appealing and More Understandable, Today I have Hundreds of my Students liking this Concept and achieving the New Heights in Maths”
I am Happy With That..
The Major difference between “Maths and Money” Might be..
“You Can Loose your Lost Money.. But Once Stored in the Mind (The Most Secured and Intelligent Bank!!??) You Can’t loose Maths”..
Isn’t it?
If you Still didn’t Understood the logic that I have used then Please Go through The Article Once Again and Try to Forward the Logic..
Let us Meet Once Again in the BlogoSphere..

Friday, January 2, 2009

Spirituality.. Unearthed...

What is Spirituality?
Great people defined it in different ways..
But every time the “Definitions are Redefined” by the people like you and me who thinks and writes about spirituality..
Because “Everybody is his own Author of Philosophy and Spirituality“..
Nobody can give you the feel of spirituality by words..
It is what you have to feel..
It comes from somewhere within you..
For some people like Fritz of Capra(High Energy Physicist) it comes out from the ocean and shows him the parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism..
For some people like M.K Gandhi, it comes out of the First Class Railway Berth of Johanseberg and leads him to fight till his last breath for the freedom..
For everyone..
For everywhere…
It just the state of mind at which each and every thing perfectly coordinates in a rhytdm..
The rhytdm is the source and soul of each and every great things..
It might be the music coming fom the A.R Rahamans Keyboard..
It might be the Strokes Coming out of the Sachins Straight Drive..
It might be the equations coming out of the Ramanujans 4 Notebooks..
Rhytdm persists every where..
Rhytdm exists every where..
There lies the Source of Spirituality..
Which Has no Boundries..
It is in “Driven By Values”..
It is in “Intensity to Win”…
That is Spirituality…


Define Morals.

This might be one of the thoughest questions ever asked to me by anyone..
How can you define Morals?
The first and foremost question is “Is it a Concrete Concept or is It dynamic?”..
This perticular always haunts me..
Most of the people say that “Morals are Static”..
“They won’t change with time and tides”..
By following this logic many people tried to live..
But real life is not theoratical..
That is dynamic..
It always challenge your set principles.. Which you call as “Morals”..
It brings such a lot of situations in front of you where you would left with option of going against your “Morals”..
What should we do then?
I found a midway which I am following quite often throuh which I found less complication in real life..
Believe me..
“There is always a way in the moral path for modification”..
You can alter the way you approach your morals..
Never Compromise in your Morals..
Never Be rigid in the path you follow the Morals..
Thats it..
We will meet in the next Article..
So “Be happy, Say Hp“.

Spirituality of Science..

What is the relation between Science and Spiritual Philosophy?

Nowadays a craze hase been started to compare the parallels between Mystcism and Science..

As modern Science evolved With full swing the followers of the Modern Physics struck with the close resemblence between the bizarre concepts of Modern Physics and Spirituality..

The stock of infinite words became finite when the Modern Physics Tried to enter into the heart of mother nature..

The Only choice left was a language which flows as a fluid between the reality and spirituality..

There Comes the language of Philosophy...People thought it is unusual.. They Stunned...

But if we analyse deeply.. The parallels are not Acciedental..They are quite natural..

From One Golden Era the human brain started to evolve..It tried to understand the truth by experience..Human race tried to document each and every thing through experience..

But the problem with this kind of document was "non-reproducibility" of most of the part..
You cant experience the experience by reading About the experience..
Later on other problems added to this documentation of the truth by experience..

People tried to impose their experiences as absolute truth which must be followed by others..
The stronger race ruled weaker race by claiming their supiriority in their documentation of truth by experience..
But people started to oppose this slowly..They thought these documentations of truth by experience are inadequate..

Everybody dont have the ability or the time to experience the truth..
The truth must be "accesible" and "available" all the time to all the people..
So they tried to find the truth and secrets of nature by "Expriments".."Well defined logics"...

They tried to formulate the "Experience into Experiments"..Hence "Science "Evolved..
But as time passed some people thought that "The Science is absolute"..Some people argued that spirituality is absolute..
Both forgot that their mission is to understand the truth..
Nowadays we humans are slowly realising the fact that "Science and Spirituality" are just different approaches to reach the truth..
Truth ..
Which is "Natural"..
Truth .. Which is "Absolute"..
Truth .. which is "Beautiful"..
Truth .. which is "Simple"..!!