Friday, January 8, 2010

Pain for Gain knowledge in IT.. A letter

Letter from a frustrated brain of my friend......



A beautiful place to be in in Indian Context..

There is no place in India where a person can get better salary than this..

There is no place in India where he can go abroad and earn money and experience as easily as here...

Great right!!

What else you need?

This is what one of the VP of MNC asked me.

I said "Intellectual Happieness".....

He said "We have established buisness, Innovate there..."

I said, "I will get the buisness for you, I will make the existing one a better place to live..Let me innovate there.."

I have a great recognition for my ability and performance in the place where I work...

I have opportunity to climb the ladder of position and career in every sense....


My Brain is not satisfied......

It asks me every time "Where you are is not the place for you"........

I wan't to innovate. I want to code. I want to expose my brain to a core technology. I am unable to do that in the place where I live.

What I am expert or experienced in?

Frankly speaking "On Nothing!!"..

That's my strength. Surprised!!??

Yes. Strange.. But it is true..

The buisness model and the place where I do belong forced me to bring a buisness manager in me rather than technical person...

That's a pain for me.

I can afford wasting my money.. Not my brain..

I am asking the people to put me in a place where I can learn..

They are forcing me to be in a place where I will burn.. My intellectual happieness..

How many brains might have died in the IT like this!!!!!!!!!! 

Hmm!!!!!! I wonder!!!!!!!!!"